Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Planes, pains & automobiles

The day we arrive in Seattle--this Thursday--will mark exactly 7 weeks since we left our home in Kitale.
That's 7 weeks of not being "home"; 7 weeks of living out of suitcases.
We will have traveled, either by plane or car, for approximately 51 hours.
We will have stayed in 5 different people's homes, 1 trailer, and 1 hotel room.

We have loved our time traveling and visiting. We loved the holidays with our families, and we have loved every hug, every question, every meal shared "catching up", and every picture. We have the most generous friends and family who have encouraged us and loved us SO well.

All that being said, we are ready to be home. We're tired. We are ready to unpack for good (something which we never even fully did in Kitale).

Just tonight one of our children was crying and saying they wanted their "old life" back. Ouch. But . . . me too. I'm craving normalcy. I'm sure that I'll soon crave a little adventure again, but for now I'm content without any immediate travel plans.

We're off to a new city, a new home, new school, and praying for a new job. New church, new ministry opportunities, and new weather. We'd even like a new dog eventually.

Please pray for our family if you think of us. Howie is still looking for a job, and we need to get all the kids settled into their new schools soon after we move.

More from Seattle! . . . . (hence the new rainy day blog motif).

P.S. I've thought many times about not writing here anymore. I only started this blog because we were moving to Africa. I've been encouraged by a few friends to continue. Now that we're back, I'm not sure what I'll write about, but I'm asking God to use it for His glory, and we'll see what materializes. SO, even if it's only the 4 of you who keep reading, I'll try to make it worth your while. :-) Thanks for the love and support! -Amy


  1. Keep it coming- I always like to know what the Biemeck family is up to! God's brought you back to the states because he has plans to shine his light through you in even brighter ways.

  2. well you can add me to the list of readers! doesn't matter where you are, your family is precious and always good to hear updates on. excited for what ahead for y'all, praying!

  3. I love reading your blog, Amy! You are a woman after God's heart...you are inspiring and wise! I'd love to keep reading if you keep writing :0)



  4. I still read! Please keep writing!

  5. Please keep writing Amy! Of course as the Lord wills you to do so. We are so encourage by you and the whole family as you continue to seek Him in all you do as we desire only to honor and please our Father. Thank you so much for sharing your lives with all of us. We love you guys so much

  6. I appreciate your updates! Praying for a smooth transition and much joy in your new "home"!

  7. I'm reading!! 8) Keep writing, you're a great writer and I am encouraged after each post. Thanks for sharing!

  8. It looks to me like there are more than 4 of us... Bless you sweetest Amy! :)

  9. Just because you aren't in Kitale anymore doesn't mean that God doesn't work in and through you and your family! Keep writing! Love you!

  10. Please continue to share your heart. Your transparency brings inspiration and conviction to my own life, and, it would seem- many others. I'd suspect that you may not even remember who I am, but I attended Harvest for a time and remember your beautiful family. It wasn't God's will that we serve on a worship team together, but he certainly had other plans. As of this weekend, I am the wife of a Pastor as well. Thank you both for keeping things real, and know that prayers are being said for all of you.

  11. Please keep writing...I enjoy reading....Papa will complete what He started in your family in this move to Seattle...my old stomping grounds...just watch out for those webbed feet which grow pretty fast once exposed to Pacific Northwest RAIN!!!
