Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I was just brushing my teeth and now I should really be in bed, but God reminded me of something while I was avoiding gingivitis. This was my odd train of thought: brushing teeth . . . I know I have a cavity . . . I need to go to the dentist . . . we don't have insurance . . . we don't have jobs . . . what are we going to do if the money runs out . . . Lord, please don't let all the money run out . . . what if we run out of toilet paper . . . what are the alternatives to toilet paper?! . . . I wonder what kinds of food we're allowed to get with food stamps. And the thoughts just dip into the murky waters of worry . . . deeper and deeper. 

I've been in these waters before. Everyone has. We've all faced trials, and worry comes naturally; obscenely naturally for me. But worry, I've learned, is a waste of time. It took me a long time to learn this, and I still have to be reminded often. 

Worry is me telling my Maker that I don't trust Him; I don't believe that He's really got this. Not really. I know He loves me. But when I worry, I'm saying to him, "I'm gonna freak out right now and give myself a migraine and another knot in my shoulder because I'm choosing to believe that everything is not under control." 

When Jesus taught his disciples to pray in Matthew 6, part of the prayer included "daily bread". I was reminded (because I heard this in a Francis Chan talk) that the line in that prayer is about today. Jesus didn't tell them to pray, "Give us this month, our monthly bread." And He didn't tell them to pray for "daily bread" and then spend the rest of the day worrying about the next day. All he ever told them was to pray for today.  And later in Matthew 6, there are specific instructions not to worry about tomorrow. 

Today. Just today. And tomorrow morning, I'm just going to focus on "today" again. And God will be faithful, because He always is. And I will write again and share with you about God's provision and His faithfulness to our family, and you will see, and I will see. 

"Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread."  Matt. 6:9-11

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Planes, pains & automobiles

The day we arrive in Seattle--this Thursday--will mark exactly 7 weeks since we left our home in Kitale.
That's 7 weeks of not being "home"; 7 weeks of living out of suitcases.
We will have traveled, either by plane or car, for approximately 51 hours.
We will have stayed in 5 different people's homes, 1 trailer, and 1 hotel room.

We have loved our time traveling and visiting. We loved the holidays with our families, and we have loved every hug, every question, every meal shared "catching up", and every picture. We have the most generous friends and family who have encouraged us and loved us SO well.

All that being said, we are ready to be home. We're tired. We are ready to unpack for good (something which we never even fully did in Kitale).

Just tonight one of our children was crying and saying they wanted their "old life" back. Ouch. But . . . me too. I'm craving normalcy. I'm sure that I'll soon crave a little adventure again, but for now I'm content without any immediate travel plans.

We're off to a new city, a new home, new school, and praying for a new job. New church, new ministry opportunities, and new weather. We'd even like a new dog eventually.

Please pray for our family if you think of us. Howie is still looking for a job, and we need to get all the kids settled into their new schools soon after we move.

More from Seattle! . . . . (hence the new rainy day blog motif).

P.S. I've thought many times about not writing here anymore. I only started this blog because we were moving to Africa. I've been encouraged by a few friends to continue. Now that we're back, I'm not sure what I'll write about, but I'm asking God to use it for His glory, and we'll see what materializes. SO, even if it's only the 4 of you who keep reading, I'll try to make it worth your while. :-) Thanks for the love and support! -Amy